Sunshine Conversations  Campaigns Lite

What is Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite?

It is a very intuitive computer application for WhatsApp campaigns.


Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite allows you to select one of your approved WhatsApp templates to carry out massive or simple message transmission.


You can use all kind of templates accepted by WhatsApp: text, parameters, buttons, documents, or images.

imagen SunCo campaigns


It is necessary for Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite that you have:

A valid and active Sunshine Platform license

An approved WhatsApp number

Any approved WhatsApp template

Application capabilities

It is necessary for Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite that you have:

You will be able to use a WhatsApp phone number configured within Sunshine Platform.


You will be able to send up to 1000 identified contacts using a CSV file.


If you need to enhance the features and move from Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite to Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Pro, please contact and learn more about Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Pro.


Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Pro is an application connected to Centribal Platform that will allow you to:

    • Enhance capabilities.
    • Access performance statistics providing output for WhatsApp notification delivery.
    • Upgrading possibility by connecting a chatbot to attend your users’ responses.

Installation instructions



It is necessary for Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite that you have:

  • A valid and active Sunshine Platform license.
  • An approved WhatsApp number.
  • Any approved WhatsApp template.




Click the “Install” button.




You need to know the following data to configure Sunshine Conversations.

  • App ID: Sunshine Conversations application identifier.
  • App Token: the application token is generated from two keys (id, secret) which will be provided by Sunshine Conversations. Please, use this link and follow the instructions to get the JWT.
  • WhatsApp Integration ID: Identifier of the WhatsApp integration within Sunshine Conversations.
  • WhatsApp Namespace: Identifier provided by Sunshine Conversations via email when the WhatsApp channel integration is created to be able to send notifications using templates.


Where can you get the information to configure Sunshine Conversations Campaigns Lite?


You can find App ID in the settings page of your Sunshine Conversations application. This is an example of application with the App Id hiden:

instructions sunco campaigns lite 1
  • You can find WhatsApp Integration ID accessing the WhatsApp channel of your Sunshine Conversation application and looking in the last identifier of the URL. This is an example:
instructions sunco campaigns lite 2
  • You create an App Token:
    • You create an App Token: Creating a pair of API Keys (id and secret) in the settings page of your Sunshine Conversations application.
instructions sunco campaigns lite 3
    • Follow the instruction of this link to create the APP Token.
  • You can find WhatsApp namespace in the email that confirms your WhatsApp integration has been activated successfully. This is an example of the email:
instructions sunco campaigns lite 4



Should you need further assistance, please, contact