Create WhatsApp campaigns

It has never been so easy

Start conversations with your clients, on a small or large scale, whenever you want, programming it, automating processes and conversations.

Notify relevant promotions or offers, manage appointments, generate leads, notify of product availability and retain your customers with the Campaigns module.

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Mass push campaigns

The Centribal Platform Campaigns module allows you to configure message templates to automatically send to your customer list.

conversational assistance

The Chatbot will be able to maintain the conversation of those customers who respond to the message sent. In this way, the user experience will be optimal by providing instant response and 24×7.

Plataforma Centribal inicio
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Analyze your effectiveness

You will know in real time when your message is delivered to any mobile in the world.

Push message integration

Make use of your own tools/system to send automated and personalized push messages to your customers.

Send them individually through WhatsApp, integrating your applications with Campaigns through API.

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Create your first campaign on WhatsApp

What utility can you give to Campaigns?

A WhatsApp push message is not just informative. You will be able to promote and inform your customers of any relevant promotion or offer and generate cross-selling opportunities, but you will also be able to generate direct interaction. For example, when your client has an appointment booked, from WhatsApp you can confirm the day before that he will go.

How do you create templates in Campaigns?

Our team of Centribal experts will advise you on the creation of templates when you need it, but they are so simple to create that you can create the templates you need from the Centribal Platform in a few minutes. Templates must be approved by WhatsApp before you can use them, but you will automatically see the approval status which can take 1-2 business days. You can use them instantly once they are approved. See template approval requirements here: Message Template Guidelines – WhatsApp Business Platform (