Zendesk in plataforma centribal

Zendesk + Centribal

Connect your virtual assistant with your Zendesk Support platform. 

Better ticketing = Better Results 

You are one step away from integration. 

What is Zendesk? 


Zendesk is a CRM company with a special focus on customer service, that designs software to improve relations with customers. 


It places all interactions in a single location, so you can offer bespoke omnichannel support - either via email, chat, phone or self-service – so that conversations are fluid, personal and of value. 

Why integrate Zendesk with Centribot? 


Zendesk Support is an additional service offered by Centribot to add agents to customer service operations, that are not automatically covered by chatbots. 

This support service is in high demand by companies with high volumes of queries, helping agents to optimize their processes and improving the customer experience in the short, medium and long term. 

Thanks to the Zendesk Support service integration, companies can: 

  • Classify tickets according to the query topic.
  • Add identification labels that offer further information for agent operations from Zendesk.
  • Crear reportes sobre las acciones realizadas
  • Create reports on actions carried out.
  • Respond automatically via shooters at any time of the day.  
  • Seamlessly transfer conversations from chatbots to human agents in the event of complex or confidential tasks. 
  • Check prior conversation history in order to offer natural fluidity. • Amongst many other possibilities. 

Request a free demo now


partner_zendesk centribal

1st Master Partner in Spain 

Centribal is a Zendesk Master Partner, and we have the experience to integrate and develop digital tools adapted to your needs. 

Types of integration with Zendesk 

Zendesk Support

You will be able to transfer a chat web or WhatsApp conversation to an agent, via the attempt detection service where you activate this option. It allows the agents to follow the conversation from the terminated chat, and offer a more personalized experience. Tickets will be generated at the Zendesk platform. 

Zendesk Chat

This allows the agents to directly follow the conversation from the chat panel and in real-time, from where the chatbot has left it. 



All Zendesk Support plans are compatible with our plans in Centribal, it will only depend on your preferences, volume of inquiries and needs. If you are also interested in having your Agent intervene in your Chatbot conversation, we recommend our Plan L.


Keep in mind that the different plans that Zendesk Support has put a limit on the RMP (Request Per Minute or requests per minute). The Zendesk Essential Plan, for example, has a 10 RPM limit. This limit can affect the performance of your chatbot, thus limiting the interactions it can execute per minute. If your Chatbot needs to manage a large volume of interactions, we advise you to verify that your Zendesk Support subscription is ready for it. You can see more information about Zendesk plans at this link: https://www.zendesk.es/support/compare/#compare

Integrate Zendesk by completing a simple form.